geckoracing1 wrote:I assumed this was why there was double the lube pools and two oilways vs only one at the front, as it affects the speed of the gases and what oil they 'dump' on the journey.
Hmmmm....I assumed the top pools were there to lube the flywheel side/centre mains and the oilways (I won't say pool as it's past vertical, nothing will ever pool in there) in the outside front tranfer port were to lube the remaining bearing. Obviously the centre and flywheel side mains are going to get better lube as oil will collect in the little pool and drop down to the bearing so only a crazy man would oil the center main from the front transfer. The center bearing even has holes in that line up with the holes in the cases.
If you look the oilways themselves in the front transfer are inclined a bit but there's no way they're going to work like the other two do.
It looks to me like the NXA has one across from the inlet side (which has got to work well) as well as one (without a pool) from the transfer;
Looking at the NSR it may be possible to do something similar though the case bolt near the oil pump is in the way to replicate the exact path.
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