Thank you Rich.
While I don't see why I should have to defend my position on my own website, created for the benefit of others, and consequently should in my opinion therefore be accepted for what it is by those who choose to use it and its resources, I will say that the financial gain from it is extremely small.
I've given away memberships to long standing members, I've made losses in the Marketplace after making mistakes calculating prices and exchange rates or shipping (2 members just recently can attest to this), and even track days that were in profit saw that profit spend on drinks for everyone after the event. Do you see masses of advertising on the site? There are items in the Marketplace (such as the crank bearings) that are there for the benefit of other members, and ship direct from them... I make nothing! I have even lost money on PayPal transfers to Charles to cover manual sales! So don't assume my moderation of this forum is financially motivated.
By all rights I should be making a killing from this site, but I don't.
I have nothing more to say on this matter.
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