Well, for BEST results, you would keep all the air box vent holes open and rejet. I think everybody would agree with that, yes?
But at the end of the day, without REALLY knowing, I would suspect that the change in mixture due to seasonal or night time temperature is probably fairly minor and in the general scheme of things, not worth rejetting for. Having said that, I definitely re-jet the race bike when going to a track at altitude.
[ as an aside: going to a track at altitude always makes me think twice; at altitude the pressure drops, but almost always, the temperature drops as well. So should you richen it up, or lean it down? This is where the stoichiometric charts come into play I guess. I will leave this as a teaser ]
To know if you should block off one hole or two on the airbox really is a "try it and see" scenario. Where the "see" means looking at the plug after a plug chop.
It's getting down to the nitty gritty here, and it's more about what is practical to do in your mind.
When you are trying to sort the mixture out down to this level of detail, it is best done by fuel injection with feedback into the "computer" on airtemp, pressure, and probably a few other variables thrown in to the mix.
In all practicality,... for road use,... just jet it so that it is ever so slightly rich on a cold winter night (at sea level) and leave at that. Yes?
At the end of the day,.. I think we are best to let common sense prevail here.
[color=#808080][size=9]Yes,.. I too know how to waste Time and Money,...