I'll take the Pepsi challenge any time with that YPVS and my NSR! I bet "a take-away meal of your choice[© Monkey/Fontyyy]" that you will be rebuilding it before I am!
For the last time, they are NOT blowing up all over the place. Without trying to blow my own horn, this is the forum for NSRs, so if there's someone experiencing problems they are most likely to post about it here! With such a high concentration of owners in pretty much just the one place, it's bound to look iffy, but it's not!
Tell me, what is the point of a road bike that won't run on pump fuel? The fuel tank on the YPVS isn't even big enough to get from your garage to the nearest petrol station that sells the stuff! If it is big enough, then great - you can ride to Torquay every time you fancy a ride! A bit limiting just to ride there and back every time you fancy going out though, isn't it?!
It's not like you race it or drag it. So, you spend a million Dollars on a set of heads with inserts just so you can drop the compression back down to a sensible level - why not just have the compression at a sensible level in the first place? Is it really worth that hassle for 1.5hp? What's going to happen on Sunday when there are no 4* gas stations on the ride-out route?
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