I'm not sure about David Silvers partlist but you could try and double check. You can search from model or from Honda partnumber.
Here are the Japanese fiches http://rscycles.com/images/PDF/parts-books/MC21-PL.pdf
EDIT: I just went through some of the pages and it looks like the errors are only in the pictures, not in the partsnumber list.
So you could use the Japanese pictures(they are better quality anyway) and then look up the item number on the corresponding English partsnumber list.
There are also some misspellings f.x. color should be collar
"If Life Gets Boring, Risk It!"
MC21SE, KISS box
MC21SP, HRC box, racing loom
Last edited by pbekkerh on Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total