There's only so many ways I can say "a 300 tuned to the hilt (effectively F3, and beyond, spec) by Matt made 72hp"! Accept it. The owner was disappointed... Matt was disappointed! Both were convinced the first dyno read low. The motor also lunched itself the first track day it did, before it even ever made it to a dyno!
If anyone knows what they are doing with the 300, it's the guy who's spent the last 12 years of his life trying to develop it! The guy who has worked with some of the best in the business in Japan. HIS MOTOR made 72hp.
I'm party to a lot more information that you will ever be aware of, and entrusted not to reveal it. I will not be drawn into revealing any of it. It's confidential. The 300 is what it is. Don't believe your own hype.
250 tuning "secrets" and 300 tuning "secrets" are secrets full stop. Reliability issues and potential fixes need to be discussed with Matt and/or other 300 developers as we don't touch 300's any more. They simply cannot be guaranteed reliable! Even setting them up over-rich doesn't stop them letting go -- that isn't, and never has been the answer. And yes, the 72hp "F3" 300 has custom pipes.
Edited to add the last sentence. Forgot to reply to that question.
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Last edited by Andy on Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total