Yes, I have seen the postings and have asked the individuals to stop what they are doing. Have even tracked down their accounts here on the forums and have banned them.
All I can hope is that others see the benefits and would rather support the site/people that are actually bringing them the information rather then going to the unethical people who feel the need to steal it.
Yes, the service manual is in an odd spot as the images are from the factory manual, but the content is 100% mine as I am the one who translated every page word for word to put together what everyone wanted for the past 15 years, an NSR service manual in English. The same manual that Honda never produced.
Dealing with e Bay is like dealing with PayPal (Oh wait, they are one in the same?). You can complain, but if your not the paying customer and there is any possible "grey" area, e Bay will side with the one who is paying them money.
If you have the current link, please send it to me in PM, would like to hunt down the current auctions and make sure the individuals are not here on the forums anymore.