Hello all, after buying my NSR, MC21, iv change the tyres, 208gps, new pads, and new disc and final got to ride it today with a littl;e anger ANyway, i think the cush drive is on its way out if not gone already, ive never had a 2 stroke or a cush drive go on me so ill descride what im getting and someone is bound to know what im on about, as i change gear UP when getting the power on there is a definate snap as i get the power back on after the change then once the slack has gone all is well untill the next change, i get the same but less so on the down changes, IS this because they all do it, or is it likley the cush drive has had it? any way to tell? can someone also tell me where to get a cush drive, or what bike shares the same parts, cheers all