If you intend to be running flat in top for ten seconds or more then you want to be setting up for this kind of running, so a ten second plug chop is feasible, but like Andy, on anything other than a stocker I'd resist.
this sort of use (abuse?) would require a bigger main jet than optimum setting as you'd want to keep the rev ceiling down and a bit of worthless fuel running through the pipelines will help cooling.
My 300 for a poor example, is setup to go from 1st to 6th from the u-turn near Mr. Moo's old shop to the turning leading to my jungle shack. It'll rev out to just over 12,500rpm over this short distance and hit about 130mph. At this point I'll hit the brakes, stamp down a few cogs with some fiercesome blipping just to keep the taxi boys alert, and then cruise slowly down the lane home.
A few years back ('94 'ish) I had a sreeter 21 tuned to reasonable numbers and I'd plug chopped it up and down the road during the day and had the jetting pretty spot on. It was running avgas and we put it on the brake at 74hp, so not a bad tool.
One evening Paul (on his MC28 in pretty much stock trim back then) and I were being tour guides for a couple of lonely girls, and I was hammering along full volume with the poor misses hanging on for dear life. As I slammed off the noise for the junction...Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip... the thing thing locked solid.
Ooh err.
Of course the misses got the blame and I sent her packing. The rest of the night was spent in the work shop cutting another cylinder for my poor baby.
The moral here is to not only plug chop in the same sort of weather conditions that you'll be riding, but to also ask the wife politely to take a taxi. An NSR ain't no passenger vehicle.