Being from the US, have you looked at dieting? You can gain a ton of performance by giving up the American Diet Of course when I was in England last month, I found that the English diet isn't that much better then us Americans, that and their beer is PISS WARM (learn what refrigeration is people)
I liked my dog fights I had on my MC28. Were not as attractive as the TYGA SS, but made good power. As Andy said, you can't go wrong with TYGA. They are affordable, available, look good and perform very reasonable compared to the Jha, Dog Fights, Ethos stuff that is becoming unobtainium. And if you crash and damage one, you can get replacements.
In the end it's all going to come down to jetting and getting it setup right for the conditions, which will change on you. So get used to re-jetting at minimum once a day.