StephenRC45 big thanx for sending me the puller m8
and of course andy for them secret numbers #####-#######
well i gave the puller a go last night in work but had a prob
i put the left handed screw on the flywheel then screwed the centre bolt in as far as possible which went straight into the crank where the bolt retains the flywheel
but it stripped the thread inside when we tighten it up
so we sorted the stripped thread
then took the measurement of the diameter of the crank end
then lathed a piece of metal to act as a spacer exactly the diameter of the crank end
so the screw dont go into the crank when tightened
i know the part number was right cos it was stamped with them magic numbers #####-#######
so i'm just wondering if the centre bolt should go into the crank
or should rest on top of the end crank
well i'm sh*t at explaning things most times
so i hope someone can make sense of what iv'e just said
incase someone else has the same prob