I'm trying to rebuilt the engine of my MC18'89 F3 kitted bike. The rest of the bike has been restored in 2002 but sort of money and difficulty to find HRC parts prevented me from rebuilting the engine which needs a good overhaul.
The bike is fitted with hrc one-ring pistons, hrc heads with center mounted R5300A spark plugs, hrc carbs, hrc exhausts, hrc gearbox, hrc loom and electronics, removed oil pump, i think hrc swingarm (it's different from standard MC18 PGM II item) and the frame is modified with aluminium plates behind the steering head and aluminium rails (ignition coils are mounted on them) between the main frame and the front engine mounts. Also I think that the rail that the shock linkage is mounted on the frame is modified.
I don't know if the cylinders, the crank and the crankcases are standard MC18 items or HRC.The HRC cylinders and the crankcases are different from the outside compared to standard MC18 items?
These bikes are HRC built or standard bikes modified with HRC kit or both of them exist?
The biggest problem is that I don't have access to HRC F3 parts manual and I can't find the part numbers of the HRC engine parts. I don't know if they are available anymore..
Thank you for your help!