But here are a few pictures from my weekend:
Saturday at Ebisu Tora no Ana race school, a nice race-prepped NSR MC21 (SP) that beat me but managed to crash during morning training and then dropped out with mecahnical trouble after the first afternoon session.

With my new rearsets I'm not dragging the pegs anymore, but the fairing is taking a beating so I need to adjust that up out of the way a bit before next weekend.

My friend Rich and his Zebra-RS125 GP bike. He's fast, but the locals are really really fast.

Sunday (earlier today) at Motegi MotoGP, there was a nice looking Harc-Pro bike. Now I *think* this is a highly tuned 4-stroke 250 in an RS125 frame. Interesting.

... and finally of course there was plenty of eye-candy. There's some two-stroke bike or other in this picture but the girls didn't know much about it and I forgot to ask them anyway

MC28 SE -sold-
MC21 with RS250 engine -for sale-
MC21 race bike -soon for sale-