The best pipes on mine were one-offs and are hanging in the garage at the moment... the bike (in exactly the same state of tune as it is now) made a tad under 68hp with them. They were the best of 4 sets with slightly differing designs.
The pipes on it now are Ethos Design, and probably the only ones in the country, and therefore the best! They make 66hp on the same motor, with the same jetting, but a lot more mid-range than the "screamers".
I seriously doubt you will be able to split HARC Pro's, Jha's, Dog Fights, or TYGA's on the dyno on the same motor with the right setup... they've all used pretty much the same data!
One thing I will say though, irrespective of what pipes you choose, nothing can match the pure quality (and consequently the price) of the stainless steel Japanese stuff!
An interesting note however, is that my MC21 has made 65hp on standard pipes (TYGA cans) too, although the stock pipes do weigh a ton!!
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